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Grade 12 Rewrite Support Programme

Let the experts assist you to pass!

Failed Grade 12? Or failed some subjects?

You’re in luck… join TEN’s winning team of subject experts to assist

you to pass your exams in May/June. With 15 years’ experience in

achieving excellent Grade 12 results, working with the TEN team will

ensure success. No need to face this challenge alone!

What We Offer:


No textbooks required


Planning for success


A track record of success over 15 years


Lowest cost structure


Subject specialists and experts in every subject


Work when it suits you


Top quality improvement resources


Master key concepts


Your way to success mapped out with a daily plan


Study & exam skills

What You'll Receive

The curriculum broken down into daily explanations & activities, with

memorandums, all based on past exam questions.

Focused sessions on WhatsApp 2 or 3 times a week, explaining detail you

don’t understand and answering questions you have.

Being part of a community of people all repeating the subject – everyone

understands the challenges and aim for the same success.

Ongoing access to a subject specialist and subject expert trainers.

Regular assessments to track your progress.

Focused exam preparation sessions.

What will it cost me?

Dedication to put in the work… and…

Success will be yours at a fee of R 100 per month, for 4 months. Total cost for

the entire programme is therefore R 400 per subject.

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